среда, 2. јануар 2019.

Haplogroup I2-Y4882 among Serbs

Haplogroup I2-Y4882 is one of the haplogroups of Slavic origin present in the Serbian population. It represents a branch of the haplogroup more commonly known as the I2a Dinaric defined by SNP YP196. The phylogenetic line for the Y4882 looks like this:


Age of haplogroup Y4882 is estimated at about 1800 years bp. It developed within the old Slavic populations north of the Carpathians. The initial branches of the Y4882 show greater diversity in the area of today's Poland, so it can be assumed that the haplogroup was formed and initially developed precisely in that area.

Considering the age of this haplogroup, it should not be surprising that today, through its younger branches, it is present in many Slavic peoples: Poles, Ruthenians, Slovaks, Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians, Serbs, but also some non-Slavic: Hungarians, Germans. As current results show, haplogroup Y4882 is not present in Macedonian Slavs and Bulgarians, Czechs, and individually occurs among Croatians and Slovenians. Only the younger branches of the haplogroup Y4882 can be connected with certain Slavic peoples.

Y4882>Y16473 Polish Uplanders (Pogórziane)
Y4882>Y16473>BY130310 Slovakian (Carpathian Highlanders)
Y4882>Y16473>FGC30452 Moravians (Horňácko etnographic group)
Y4882>Y16473>FGC30452>FGC30460 Polish Gorals
Y4882>Z16969 Poles, Greater Poland
Y4882>Z16969>A21222 Germans, Swiss people
Y4882>Z16969>A10230>PLE07 Germans/Poland
Y4882>Z16969>A10230>PLE07>PLE04>PLE01 Poles
Y4882>Z16969>A10230>PLE07>A20031 Poles
Y4882>Z16969>A10230>PLE07>A20031>BY31898 Poles/Galicia
Y4882>Z16969>A10230>A811 Poles
Y4882>Z16969>A10230>A811>BY42204 Russians
Y4882>Z16969>A1328 Poles, Serbs, Ukrainians, Belorussians
Y4882>Z16969>A1328>BY30333>BY169082 Lemko Rusyns
Y4882>Z16969>A1328>BY30333>A7318 Belorussians, Russians
Y4882>Z16969>A1328>BY103931 Russians
Y4882>Z16969>A7358 Ukrainians, Poles
Y4882>Z16969>A12505 Poles, Swedes

In this way, we could say that the branch Y16473 developed in the Carpathian mountain populations (Gorals, Rusyns), the branch A21222 among the Germans, the branch A10230 among the Poles, and the branch A1328 among the East Slavs and Serbs.

Considering the old Slavic archaeological cultures, the Y4882 primarily can be connected with the Prague-Korchak archaeological culture, with its central parts, in the area of today's southeast of Poland and Subcarpathian regions.

Decorations on belts,  Prague-Korchak Slavic culture

So far, among Serbs, a branch Y4882> Z16969> A1328 was found, with a few positively tested Y4882, who did not perform more specific SNP tests. All positevely tested A1328 individuals are originallly from the Dinaric zone of the Serbian people: one clan from the Upper Lim region, one Krajina clan, and few families from Ozren mountain and Krajina region. At the same time, the haplogroup Y4882, without testing of lower branches, was found in a Serb from Šumadija region, a Catholic from Sinj and Croat from Lika region.

Except for matching of the same home area, it seems that the haplogroup Y4882 had different routes of migrations compared to the phylogenetically close I2-PH908, the most dominant Slavic haplogroup among the Serbs. Even now we can quite sure conclude that the carriers of the haplogroup Y4882 were not in the great mass of the Slavs who moved east, along the Lower Danube, and later settled the eastern and central parts of the Balkan Peninsula. Following the genetic traces, everything indicates that carriers of the Y4882 on the Balkans came across Western Carpathians and the Pannonian Plain. Were they part of a particular Slavic tribe which merged in larger tribal communities, it is difficult to say at this point.

Today's presence of the Y4882 branch among the Serbs is scarce. Although a relatively small number of I2-YP196 haplogroup members among the Serbs were SNP tested, considering the general presence of branches 448 = 20, we can conclude that the percentage of I2-Y4882 among Serbs does not exceed several percent.

1 коментар:

  1. Hello. I belong to I2a1b2a1a1a, and I am trying to match that to a current sub-branch classification. My research tells me it is Y4882 or PH908 or Y5596. Do you know which? Thank you.
